Register | Whitecourt Taekwondo
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We are delighted that you have decided to join our program and we look forward to providing you with an exceptional workout experience. Our team of expert coaches and instructors have been carefully selected by Master Rennie to ensure that you receive the best possible instruction. You can rest assured that you are in good hands.

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Do You Need Financial Assistance for Registration?

Families with a lower income are encouraged to visit the two sites below to apply for funding: (Allows up to $300 per child per year) (Allows up to $300 per child per year, with special exceptions you can get up to $600 per year)
If you have any questions or need help with your application please contact: Fay Arcand - Town of Whitecourt (780-778-3637)

- The CARE program from Woodlands County is also available. More information can be found on their website here:

Your child can start classes once confirmation of your application has been made. You do not need to wait for approval, just proof of application.

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